One Year Later… Katheryn/Chemsia :D ! ♥

aaa_001.pngHi….yeah been a long time since I even looked at this thing! But I am still in SL, with a MAJOR difference… I finally, unquestioningly, met someone that I love, admire , cherish and melt for.. Her name is Katheryn/Chemsia.. she was a girl i noticed started appearing at my sets when i DJ’s…and one night, after some small talk and i finished playing a set at TD…we danced, flirted , and got a little dirty… thats how things start , often, in SL.. and my experience up to that point was i could almost set a timer on the dull thud of the door as the girls I had ‘dated’ vanished.

But, not with Katheryn/Chemsia.. she came back….again and again… over and over I would watch for her to log in.. and as of this posting we are partnered, and in love ( as only this virtual place can afford us the luxury!) FOR EIGHT MONTHS!!… she is that girl I had hoped to meet for so long…that would stay… would reach back to me… that would let me tease, dazzle, and make wild dirty love to and with! … She is a wonderful DJ in Sl too.. as well as being creative, clever and so sweetly femme like me.. Smart, funny and warm.. she cares for me so much ..and I still get that excited rush when she comes home to SL, and we are chatting all night , purring, giggling and generally in ( as she would put it )  pink cloud! … I could go on more in detail about the many things we have done, and are still yet to do with our quirky cool virtual life together…but take it from me.. no one before this wonderful girl even came close to me, and changed my life like she has.. Alex ( Mondy’s wife of 4 years) once held me and whispered to me , after a bad run with a lame Tgirl, ” The best is yet to come”.. I didn;t really believe her at the time… now, I completely do!…I love you Katheryn/Chemsia.. bbb_054